// TIP: The bold underlined texts can be clicked.

<Navigation currentlyOn="Projects">
<Home />
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<Project name="eslint-plugin-ng-module-sort" description="Sort Angular and NestJS module imports, declarations, exports, controls, etc." type="ESLint plugin for Angular & NestJS" >
<NPM />
<Github />
<Project name="Opres" description="An app to help calculating operation research problems." type="Nx: Angular + NestJs" >
<CheckOut />
<Github />
<FeaturedProject name="FamsList" description="Share a shopping list with your family or friends." type="React Native + Express" >
<Github />
<Project name="React Falling Emojis" description="Choose your emojis and make a rain with them. (not released)" type="React Library" >
<Github />
<Project name="JSX Portfolio" description="A simple, but unique JSX style portfolio." type="Next.js App" >
<Github />